
Chris Pitchford
Since inheriting his sister’s records when he was knee-high to a grasshopper in the 70’s, Chris knew broadcasting, music and communications was the life for him, and the more buttons, levers, switches, faders and general gadgets involved the better, with his first “DJ kit” being a Bush Cassette Recorder and a Bontempi Organ, for his 4th Birthday.
Starting with a modest collection of MFP and K-Tel compilations and a few Beatles 45s mostly more battered than your average cod, he’s never looked back. In the early days it was the joy of spending 85p for this week’s hot single from WH Smith, and still having 15p pocket money left for a small scoop of cola cubes.
The 80’s was Chris’s “Golden Age” of music. Chris showcases his perennial penchant for 70’s and 80’s music and it’s modern contemporaries on Solid Gold Sounds, where he is just as happy with forgotten 45’s as their well known air-play and chart counterparts, so expect an eclectic and original mix of both on the programme.
The show has regular features and occasional themed specials, so if you love that wonderful era too (even if you weren’t there..) - there’s a warm welcome for all to enjoy the classics and maybe even a few you missed ! (“Relax” T-Shirt, flairs, platform shoes, space hopper, and rubik's cube all entirely optional !)
Chris has been a Presenter and Audio Engineer with the East Shropshire Talking Newspaper For The Blind, for the last 32 years, and a radio veteran; having started out with involvement in Community Radio in the 90’s - his last station residency being a very happy 11 month stint at Revenge FM.
The show is now available for worldwide syndication.
Chris is married to a published author, and when not busy editing her latest novel, he enjoys landscape photography, and can often be found alongside the dustiest box of vinyl in any remaining record shops, hoping to unearth a hidden gem, or failing that, at the nearest purveyors of unhealthy food !
Chris’s Music Trivia
First Single : Blondie - Heart of Glass
Favourite Single : Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile
Favourite Album : Genesis - Invisible Touch
Favourite 12 Inch : Queen - Breakthru
First CD : Madonna - Like A Prayer
Favourite Music Video : Adam and The Ants - Prince Charming
Starting with a modest collection of MFP and K-Tel compilations and a few Beatles 45s mostly more battered than your average cod, he’s never looked back. In the early days it was the joy of spending 85p for this week’s hot single from WH Smith, and still having 15p pocket money left for a small scoop of cola cubes.
The 80’s was Chris’s “Golden Age” of music. Chris showcases his perennial penchant for 70’s and 80’s music and it’s modern contemporaries on Solid Gold Sounds, where he is just as happy with forgotten 45’s as their well known air-play and chart counterparts, so expect an eclectic and original mix of both on the programme.
The show has regular features and occasional themed specials, so if you love that wonderful era too (even if you weren’t there..) - there’s a warm welcome for all to enjoy the classics and maybe even a few you missed ! (“Relax” T-Shirt, flairs, platform shoes, space hopper, and rubik's cube all entirely optional !)
Chris has been a Presenter and Audio Engineer with the East Shropshire Talking Newspaper For The Blind, for the last 32 years, and a radio veteran; having started out with involvement in Community Radio in the 90’s - his last station residency being a very happy 11 month stint at Revenge FM.
The show is now available for worldwide syndication.
Chris is married to a published author, and when not busy editing her latest novel, he enjoys landscape photography, and can often be found alongside the dustiest box of vinyl in any remaining record shops, hoping to unearth a hidden gem, or failing that, at the nearest purveyors of unhealthy food !
Chris’s Music Trivia
First Single : Blondie - Heart of Glass
Favourite Single : Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile
Favourite Album : Genesis - Invisible Touch
Favourite 12 Inch : Queen - Breakthru
First CD : Madonna - Like A Prayer
Favourite Music Video : Adam and The Ants - Prince Charming
18:00 - 20:00